Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hopelessly Devoted to You

Dear Readers,

I have done so much for you. First, I started blogging. And isn't your life better for it? Then my blog went public--so much easier to deal with. Then I got rid of that horrid word verification so that you didn't have to lose your mind every time you tried to comment. Next I allowed even anonymous people to comment (though no one has taken me up on that golden opportunity yet. Dang it.) Then two days ago I removed comment moderation altogether. Because I love you all so much. (Did you even notice? Sniff sniff.)

Now I humbly request that all of you get rid of your word verificiation and any music playing on your blog. I'm tired of hitting mute. It's only fair.

Thank you.

-The Management


tiburon said...

Already done. That is how devoted I am to you.

It was done before you even asked.

kami @ said...

amen sista!

Mindi said...

DONE and DONE. and no, i didn't notice. but am noticing.........right.......................NOW.

way to take it up a notch. but i'd stick with you even if you had word verification, music, AND only religious/political posts.

Suzie said...

I never had that crap to begin with.
All because I AM devoted to you.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't comment anonymously because then you wouldn't know it's me.

willie holdman said...

I'm all about no music, it's soooo annoying when your trying to read!

Anonymous said...

everyone needs to turn the music off! It is annoying!
Thank you for your public service announcement. I hope this catches on.
a lurker

veronica said...

I totally agree! - Especially with the music. When I have more than one window open, I have a heck of a time figuring out where the blasted music is coming from so I can turn it off!

Koreena said...

I DID notice the changes. Sorry, though, I love you but the music stays. :) Matty likes to listen to it.

I always have my speakers off as default when I'm on the internet so I never have to listen to noises I don't want to.

tammy said...

Amen. Anyone who wants to listen to their music can turn it on themselves.

Omgirl said...

Woohoo! My first anonymous comment! I'm in the BIG TIME now. Thank you, Anonymous!

Mia said...

I have contemplated turning my comment moderation off too, it is not like I get that many crazy comments and when I do I usually end up posting them any way. (Ok I have had like one maybe two)

Anonymous said...

I love you madly, but my letters never get through, boo, hoo!

Anonymous said...

OK, your wonderful mother's letters DO get through if I sign them Anonymous. So now you'll know that that's usually me.


Kenny and Kelli Ray said...

I am SOOOOO glad you said something about the music, because I can't STAND it...and wasn't sure how to put it nicely. So, thanks for doing it for me. Now I will just send everyone on my blog, over to see YOUR blog for the rules. :) I'll work on getting the word authorization turned off, however, I'm not a pro blogger and it may take me a little while to figure it out. :)

Christie said...

What? You don't like my music? I'm with you on the word verification and stuff, but I actually like my music (and other's too) so it is staying. Like Koreena though, my computer is usually on mute unless I'm specifically listening to something, so I never notice it.

Christie said...

I actually just went to my own blog, and my music doens't work anymore. ITs there, but it just won't play. Maybe it heard you!