I feel guilty posting stuff about my kids. Because I know writing about your kids is interesting to two people: You and their grandmother. And sometimes not even her. But since this is a journal of sorts, I feel like I should document it when my kids say something funny. Well, funny to me at least. This is Daphne's latest...
We were walking over to a neighbor's house to play a couple of days ago. In their yard there was a tree that grew small, orange berries. Several had dropped to the ground, and Beck's first thought was, "Candy!" Daphne saw it then and asked me, "Mommy? Is that CANDY???" I'm sure in her mind this was a miracle from heaven; a tree that dropped candy to the ground. "No," I told her. "Those are berries. But don't eat them because they are poisonous." I stepped on one for emphasis and a gooey gelatenous substance smeared across the sidewalk. "I won't eat the poison berries, Mommy," Daphne said solemnly, "because they will turn me into a cat!"
Thank you, Disney.
I might be crazy, but I like hearing about you, and your children, and your grandmother..
She is so cute, I love that stage in girls..
If she ate the berries as a cat, what would she turn into?
Jen and I like hearing your stories about your kids, too. Maybe it's just the stalkers who would object.
That's cute! I love the ways a kid's brain works.
Oh see, kid posts are my favorite! :) Very cute story!
That is funny, but what movie is it from?
And by the way, I LOVE reading about other's kids. Its not boring to me at all. I'd much rather read about someone's kids than the ones that are all just funny nonsense all the time.
I like hearing about your kids!
I'm a stalker, and I don't object.
But I'm having difficulty putting eating poisonous berries and turning into a cat together with a Disney movie...
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