Sunday, November 2, 2008


I got this picture in a cat montage forwarded to me today, and it just struck me as strange. In fact, strange is not the right word. FREAKING CRAZY is more like it. I'm pretty sure that cat is nursing those...skunks? So can someone please explain to me why/how this is happening? And WHY someone has a bunch of skunk babies on hand??? I'm pretty sure that is something I would NOT want to mess with. I'm an animal lover, for sure. But I'm pretty positive that if I were in the wild and I came across a bunch of abandoned skunk babies, I might just have to walk away from that stinky mess. Because what would happen as you raised them and they got mad at you one day? They wouldn't reach out a paw and scratch you like a cat. Or even bite you like a dog. They would turn around and shower you with the most putrid kind of stink known to man. So.....what is this cat thinking????? And the humans? Well, I'm guessing their trailor already smells pretty bad.


Mindi said...

hey. it could happen.

i think it's a new breed. but one that i really have no interest in.

skunks = scary

Devri said...

Skunks, oh bad memories... very bad memories.

tiburon said...

That is creepy

Mia said...

You can have a skunk's stink pouch removed to "domesticate" them. I have heard of people who keep them as pets, not personally of course just hear say.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the picture of the shark jumping to eat someone out of a helicopter in SF bay.

alex dumas said...

That is kind of freaky.