So, the weekend getaway. We went to St.George. It was a great drive down, just me and the BigK, talking without being interrupted 20 times with demands for snacks and TV shows and Ponyville. Don't ask. Anyway, even the drive was heavenly.
But heaven got a lot warmer and awesomer when we got there. 65 degrees awesomer. Or I guess 35 degrees awesomer, for a total of 65. Anyway, it was nice to leave behind the frigid air and snow for warm, palm trees, and sun.
First off, I dropped off Big Daddy at the golf course and met my lovely friend Mindi for lunch. I had the best spinach salad EVER and some of the best conversation EVER. Good combination.
Next, I met Big Daddy on the back 9. I have to say, I played amazingly well considering that I only get out about twice a year now. I managed to somehow par about 4 holes and even birdy one! (With a mulligan, but who's counting?) It felt good.
Next, back to the hotel for a little pre-dinner TV and "snuggling." Then on to dinner. Despite our usual distain for chain restaurants, we decided to go to The Outback Steakhouse for dinner. It's where we went on our first date, so we thought it was fitting. And aside from seriously disgusting coconut shrimp, the meal was actually really good. I love that loaf of bread they bring you while you wait for your food (but I'm always secretly disappointed that it's not chocolate, like it looks.)
The next day we had great plans to sleep in, which is pretty much my favorite thing on the face of the earth. But the family in the room above us decided to wake up at 7:30am and practice their trampoline skills on the floor. So no sleeping in. So we got up and had breakfast in the hotel and then went back to our room for some "computer time."
I had the brilliant idea after lunch to go tanning. Why? The idea was that my legs wouldn't be as pasty in my capris when we went golfing. In 3 hours. In VERY sunny weather. Clearly, I didn't really think my plan through. Because despite going for the minimum time + 1 minute, I got a bit pink. I usually don't burn, but it has been a LONG time since this white body has seen the light of day. Anyway, just remember this little fact until later.
Next stop was lunch. We went to one of those Brazilian meatfest places with my BFF Jeanette and her husband who live in St.G. I haven't been to one in years and I had forgotten how totally delicious they are. Delicious and fattening! Actually I kept the gluttony to a minimum, all things considered, and turned down some delicious looking desserts, which is quite a feat for me, as you know. I can't believe I forgot to take pictures.
Next we drove to Mesquite to golf at one of the best courses in the West, Wolf Creek. AMAZING. Check out this shot...
After the drive back from Mesquite, just after sunset, we were famished and exhausted. So rather than scout out a quaint local dive for dinner, we hung our heads and shuffled into The Olive Garden. I know, how trite. All the way to St. George and we ate at the Olive Garden.
I ate this......
and Big Daddy ate allllll this...
Then back to the hotel for some "hot tubbiing," a little TV, and a long night's sleep that included sleeping in until 9:30am! A big "waffle breakfast," and then the over-all-too-quick ride home.
What a great weekend. Everything I wanted for my birthday, I got. And a few things I didn't want (like a giant farmers burn/tan and a 2 1/2 lb weight gain.) I'm so grateful to my mom and Big Daddy's parents for watching our kids and making this trip possible for us. Also, a big thanks to my sweet hotel hookup (You know who you are!).
There. I'm finally done talking about my birthday. You have 360 days to recover.
Sounds amazing and even though I don't play, Wold Creek is a beautiful course!
So not fair, I haven't had a vacation like that since 2005! I think I need a vacation.
If only we'd been there with you. . . .
sounds like you had a lot of "fun". ;)
Spoiled Rotten is right! got Mindi time. I love her.
Looks like you had a blast! Next time I am coming with you.
So so fun!
What a great birthday. And I love the pic of you and K at the golf course - you look like such golfers ;) and I'm glad you had lots of "fun".
I don't golf,---I would have rather gone shopping, but then it would be MY birthday weekend wishes, not yours. Heh, heh.
Glad you got some rest and some fun---you deserve it!
YAY!!! i am soooo glad that the trip was all that, and MORE. you deserved it.
i'm glad you and the man got hotel sex AND snuggling in at the same time. bravo.
That sounds like so much fun! I want me some sunny warm weather right now :(
Great birthday. Now I feel even worse for not making Jen's day more special.
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