I guess I wouldn't have been so blindsided if I had seen the musical Mamma Mia! before attending the movie. But I hadn't. I didn't know anything about it. I only knew what the previews showed: a cute chick flick with an Abba soundtrack. Ha...Ha...HA! Not even close. What I got was a crazy, high-school-calibre, Pierce-Brosnan-singing, cheesy-dancing, ridiculous-situations-loving Bollywood film--only minus the swarthy mustaches and sari changes--where the songs only vaguely had anything to do with the "plot" (I use this term loosely). I'm not saying I completely hated this movie. I give it one and a half stars because it did have Abba songs in it and incredible Greek Isles scenery. but I think it's now clear that I had no idea what I was getting myself into. When it was finished, my lovely sister in law Nicki's comment was, "Well. That was....entertaining." And mine was "Interesting." So let's just say, if you like Bollywood (see examples here and here), you'll love this movie. Or if you already saw the live musical and know what you're doing, you'll probably like it. But if you're not in one of these two categories, or you have a greater percentage of testosterone in your body than estrogen, stay away. Or that percentage might just get reversed.
I am now rejecting you.
I saw one Bollywood movie that was ok... Bride and Predjuice.
I have no interest in Mama Mia. Doesn't look good at all. And I like musicals.
Hallyu (Korean Wave) is a lot better then Bollywood. Thier miniseries (dramas) are really good. If you like I'll loan you "Sassy Girl Chun Hyang." Go here for a fan-made video. And oh, the shows are subtitled. I will also loan you "My Girl."
i'm with caradee!! if i didn't love you so much and we hadn't exchanged dirty text messages, we'd have to break up.
but i'm committed to this relationship. i'm booking us an appt. with the counselor. we will work it out.
how could you not love this? you crazy, crazy lady.
I keep thinking I should see this becasue, well, I don't know why. I thought it looked stupid and it's a musical (hate em!), but maybe this one would be better. Decent, even. So glad you warned me. I will definitely not be seeing this.
I am by your side 1000 percent!!! This movie was horrible, and your comment about the men was hilariouso. Us two-verses the world, come on we can take em' ALL.
I'll never see it. For reasons you mentioned and others.
you should be a film critic!
I love Bollywood films! I can watch those for hours. But I will probably mot be catching this one. I have this hate hate relationship with songs/movie titles with the words Mama Mia in them. Just a thing with me ;)
Yes, I thought this was pretty cheesy too. What were they thinking casting Pierce Brosnan? I could not sit through it again. But it was lots of fun to sing along as we watched.
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