Tuesday, August 19, 2008

SWAT Signals

While looking for pictures of a SWAT team to use for my last post, I found this diagram of SWAT hand signals. I was going to post it for myself and everyone else who's ever wished they knew what they were signing about in war movies or police movies when they do those hand movements. (Wait, I'm the only one?? Um... Guess I'm a nerd. Moving on....) But then I realized these were the New and Improved SWAT signals. Even better. Take a look here. You'll be glad you did.



Hildie said...

So funny! I had no idea I was so well-versed in Swat-talk.

Kristine said...

Hahaha, you're right! I was glad I looked :)

Mia said...

The unwashed male was my favorite.

Mindi said...

i think my favorite was definitely "boyish, hairless male".

ps i laughed my butt off at those--i love a little wickedness every once in a while (okay, all the time. sue me.)