There were a lot of things I liked about being 15. Ok...maybe not a lot. A few things. Like....um....well... there has to be something! Oh, I know. Ryan Ringold. Watching Ryan Ringold in the halls at school was awesome. He was a junior and I was a lowly freshman. I new freshman to boot. So he didn't even know I existed. But just watching him was good enough for me. But I digress. My point to this post is not to talk about the things I did like when I was 15 (which are, evidently, very few), but rather the things I did not like. Top of the list: growing my bangs out. That was a rough hair year. Fortunately I'll never make that mistake again. Second on the list: zits. I think it's an inevitable part of being a teenager that you're going to get zits. Mine weren't horrible or anything. I didn't have acne. But I did get my fair share of red splotches now and then. But I also thought I'd left that horrible stage behind when my teenage years were over and my nice 20-something skin came in. So can someone please tell me why I'm suddenly revisiting my teens? Everyone has to deal with zits in their teens. And everyone has to deal with wrinkles in their 30's. BUT NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO DEAL WITH THEM AT THE SAME TIME! You're supposed to have left the zit stage far behind by the time you get to the wrinkles stage. Yet here I am, experiencing some sort of cruel trick of nature right now that is making me deal with crows feet next to my eyes and pimples on my chin. As Mindi would say, WHISKEY.TANGO.FOXTROT??? It's completely unfair. I could deal with it, I guess, if I still got experience the teenage thrill of a quickly beating heart every time Ryan Ringold's gorgeous body brushed mine in the hall. But no. I have to deal with brushing up against dirty diapers and grubby syrup hands instead. Again, doesn't it seem like I'm getting majorly gyped? If this doesn't end soon, I'm going to have to pay Jessica Simpson a visit and see just what all the hoopla is about with the whole Proactive miracle. Unless anyone has any other suggestions for me? Like maybe a time machine? I could do a much better job growing out my bangs with the knowledge I have now. And I might even be able to get Ryan to look at me. It just MIGHT be worth it. So get back to me soon if you have any leads on a good time machine.

I am with you on the whole wrinkles and zits thing. So unfair! But I do have to say that last year I did give in and I tried Proactive. I didn't see any great change. I still got those lovely zits around my period and even Proactive didn't stop them. So I gave up and now I just deal with them once a month (if I am lucky). Sorry girlfriend, I have no answers.But if you get any please pass them along.
Country Day! All the way!
Oh cruel cruel nature! I have been using this stuff called "Acne Free" (it is the walmart/costco version of proactive) and I love it! It does a pretty good job of keeping the acne at bay. Then some moisturizer just around the eyes and on my dry patches, and viola...I could pass for 26, MAYBE :) I actually cut bangs this year to hide the big wrinkle in my forehead....
I like how you had to wear blazers and ties. What a LAME school. But you were totally bangin' back then my friend.
Yeah I had perfectly clear skin all through my twenties, including 2 pregnancies. Here I am in my 30's and breaking out again. Majorly gyped indeed!
hey, when you figure out the secret, let me in on it.
i complain to the dermatologist that i've been seeing for TWENTY TWO YEARS that i shouldn't have to be dealing with this crap still. i've paid so much money to him that he could retire early, yet still the acne lives on my face.
they like to blame it on hormones, but i think i got the shaft.
i have to call bs on you saying you have zits, though--i remember looking at your skin and thinking how beautiful it was. i fell in love with it immediately......
blesbian love
I still have that picture of you!
I love that pic of you. Seriously! That year book page is priceless too - everyone looks like they just stepped out of a John Hughes movie.
And if I find a solution to the skin issues I'll let you know - mine is worse right now than it was as a teenager.
Man, I dont even want to try to remember what I looked liked back then. OH WAIT.. yes I do... I weighed like 1000 lbs less.
I am so with you. It is like I am going through puberty all over again!
I was blessed with clear skin, for the most part. Lucky me.
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