Some of you might remember my post about my favorite lipstick, Covergirl Outlast. And you may remember that they re-designed their line of Outlast and the new line did NOT include my favorite color, Cafe Laste. So I've been on the hunt for a replacement color ever since the change-over.
Well, I figured while I'm out buying new colors, I thought I'd share my love of Outlast. So if you win this drawing, I will buy you one Cover Girl Outlast in the color of your choice. You can see the colors online, but they're not really accurate. The best way is to go to the store and look at the swatches. If you win this drawing, just tell me which color you want to try. Going to a 12 hour lipstick will change your life, I swear!
Good luck!
I'm first?!?! WAHOOO...now that's good Karma!
Wish me luck!
You've already done me a favor by telling me about a 12 hour lipstick that actually works! I've never had a lipstick that stays on for more than 1/2 hour! Thanks for the heads-up!
If you think you don't need this lipstick, you are DEAD WRONG. If you are not a lipstick person, it's not too late to repent. Do you want to know how Arianne and I always manage to look so gorgeous? This lipstick is our secret. Although it's not much of a secret since Ari has blogged about it twice. Ari, I think you should send the winner Nuturalast since it's a mellow pink-brown that would look good on anyone.
I'll enter just for the heck of it. I don't have any makeup so it's worth checking out.
but will it take 5 years off me AND make me look skinnier?? that's what i'm looking for.
You know, entering this one could be a fun way to at least get one item of make up again!! :D
I found your blog on the internet. (teehee)
hip hip hoory for color stay! my name is nicole and i found you through minids blog.
So I was at Ange's yesterday. Guess what she was wearing....
Naturalast. She was LOVING it.
It looks much lighter on her, so lip color definitely plays a role in that one. I love it on you, and on her, it was less pink, more rust?
I've never been a lipstick girl. Maybe you can sell me on it. Assuming I win, of course.
I'm entering too! I followed Karebear here!
Enter me, oK. I have been curious about trying this...
toodles, Sheila, NV
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