Technically, today is my Fantaversary (Fantasy-Anniversary) because we were married on February 16th, not June 16. But let me tell you something about Valentine's weddings: They seem really romantic and fun when you plan them. But then your anniversary is ruined every subsequent year by its proximity to Valentine's Day. Ours was two days after Valentine's Day. So for our first Valentine's Day as a married couple (363 days after our wedding), we did the usual Valentine's Day stuff--romantic dinner, creating a touching home-made card, sexy lingerie, carefully picked out gifts, and something extra fun in the bedroom. And then we realized our mistake. We had to do it all again two days later! I had to buy new sexy lingerie, think of something new and sentimental to say on my card, find another special and meaningful present, and get creative in the bedroom...AGAIN. Yeah, we both thought that was too much to ask (well, we might actually have been OK with the extra sex part). Plus it's butt freezing cold in mid-February. Hardly conductive to fun dates and skimpy outfits. So we decided the day after our first anniversary that from that year on, we'd celebrate our anniversary (Fantaversary) on June 16th instead. It works out way better that way.
So back to the story. What is today? It's June 16th. And I didn't even realize it until I was reading my sister Jennie's blog just now from a few days ago where she said it was her anniversary. I suck! But fortunately so does my husband. He also forgot. I guess we'll have to push it to JULY 16th this year.
Anyway, here is a photo montage of us over the last 6 years:

That's us! Happy 6 years, Sweetie.
I like that picture of you in your wedding dress and Kelly in shorts. I thought, "he sure went all out for the wedding pictures!" But they were just bridals, weren't they?
Don't feel badly - I've almost forgotten our real anniversary before.
Everybody loves a MONTAGE...
Yes, Jennie. That was my bridals. I didn't even remember that he came with me until I saw that picture.
Great pictures! Happy Fantaversary! I hope you get to celebrate.
awwwwwwhhh. happy fake anniversh!! i think pushing it would be a great idea. gives you more time to work on your outfit and creative sex ideas.
maybe post your options tomorrow?? we would love that!
Happy days..I think you should celebrate twice every year...I mean, at least that way, you can be guaranteed some good alone time every 6 months.
See, my rational nature would just say, make Valentine's your anniversary. Just have one day you have to remember. (Not that the world would let you forget V-day.)
But then, I'm not married. Married people think differently. ;)
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