Do any of you watch the ABC show, Dancing With the Stars? I do. I love it. I've always wanted to be a ballroom dancer. In fact, I took a ballroom class when I was 16. Loved it. So watching the show is like living a dream that never came to fruition. Plus, there are some amazing costumes and even more amazing bodies. Like Edyta Slawinska's and Karina Smirnov's. I look at those women dancing and think they have the absolute perfect bodies. And occasionally a really hot male star makes it to the show too and you get to watch some nice buns or biceps. And I love watching the fantastic choreography and seeing how well the stars can learn the steps. It's just an all-around good reality show.
My husband also watches the show. Shhhh...don't tell his friends. Or do; tonight I think he revealed the real reason why he watches this show when he said, "I think I watch this show just in case Edyta's dress falls off." A truer word was never spoken. Dancing? Nah. Just hot bodies with the slight chance of their skimpy dresses getting stepped on and flying off. Classic.
I watch. I like. I am never hoping for the clothes to fall off - I remember the first season when Kelly's top came off - that was pretty funny - but I am always hoping one of the girls will get dropped... I am horrible.
Actually earlier this season I was waiting to see if all those lights would cause Priscillas face to melt...
You gotta love the honesty of a man!
I've actually never watched this show. But I do love me some SYTYCD - and I guess this year since they had auditions in SLC, there are lots of hometown kids to cheer for.
I love DWTS too! I never thought about the possiblity of a dress falling off, I'll have to mention that to Eric and maybe I can get him to watch with me.
She's not so sexy when you think that her name is Russian for Edith.
I am pretty sure my husband watches the show for the same reason as yours, but he would never admit it! I love the show but I missed last night's I will have to watch it before tonight's results show.
Christie, you'd love this show if you like SYTYCD. All the great dancing but wih average Joes (well, from a dancing perspective) thrown in to make you more nervous).
Jennie, she's actually Polish. But whatever. Same name pool, right? Ya, Edith isn't so sexy.
The challenge is to find a comment for every single post. And this one...I can't. Can't think of anything positive. Except maybe I'm glad you enjoy this show.
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