It's finished! It's working! I have A/C! The installers had to take yesterday off because of a double scheduling, but they came back today to finish up. Before they left, they turned on the heat to make sure it worked. It worked great. After only a few seconds, toasty air was blowing quietly through the room. We also tested all three units' a/c capacity by cranking them simultaneously. Within 5 minutes, the kitchen unit had cooled the whole main floor amazingly well. I will even be able to bake this summer! The upstairs units were purring a quiet hum of frosty air that cooled the whole upstairs and about froze Daphne's room (the door was shut). They're very quiet and very efficient. I was so happy I almost cried. And I would have hugged the installers if I wasn't worried about seeming like a complete psycho. But it honestly is just about the happiest thing that has happened to me in my whole life. BRING ON JULY!!!
Yay! I'm glad it works so well!
So exciting! Congrats on the air conditioning :)
welcome to the 21st century, omgirl. we should celebrate!
And now we can bask in cool cool comfort all summer. I'll invite you over when mine's installed.
I really am so excited for you. It will be an awesome summer spent in the cool comfort of you own home! Yeah hurray :)
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