I stole this from Kami's blog because I was so fascinated by it. I clicked on every single link on the website and watched all the videos too. VERY interesting.
Click here to read about gDiapers.
My thoughts are:
1) I'm pretty sure I'd have to deal with poop even more than I do now.
2) They are super cute. Way cuter than regular diapers.
3) I would have to duct tape the swizzle stick to the ceiling or I'm sure it would end up in Beck's mouth at some point, and that is more than I can stomach.
4) I do love the earth. Some of you might not know that I'm a closet tree hugger. Maybe not so closet. I really try to do my part for the environment and I hate to allow my own laziness to become an excuse for doing something irresponsible to the environment. But it's such a conundrum when it comes to being environmentally friendly. Like cloth diapers, for example. Sure, you're not throwing plastic into the earth. But you're using all that water to wash cloth diapers. That's bad for the environment. And you're causing more waste to have to be processed at water treatment plants. What runs water treatment plants? Electricity. And where does that electricity come from? Coal or nuclear energy sources, most likely. And then there are the chemical biproducts produced to make your laundry soap to wash those diapers. And all the energy used to dry them (unless you line dry). And the air pollution used by the dryer or the truck driven by the diaper pick-up man. See what I mean? Now those disposables aren't looking so bad anymore. So except for the few "zero carbon footprint" environmental changes out there, like using wind or solar or tidal power for energy, most environmentally-hyped things have their downside somewhere. I try to do what I can--I recycle, pick up my trash, rake my leaves and shovel my snow by hand, brush my teeth with the lights off and the water off, drive a car run entirely on banana peels and newspapers, etc. But fixing the problems we've created on this earth is going to take more ingenious efforts and a lot more participation than most of the things we've come up with so far.
So how do I feel about the gDiapers? Well, what it comes down to the most for me is, do they work? So I think I'll let someone else try them out first and tell me how often they have to clean up blow outs, and then I'll decide. Any volunteers?
I will be your volunteer, probably because they were a gift and I feel I should give them a try. Although, I also got reg. diapers as a gift and I don't want to waste those either, so I will use both. I feel the same as you. I tried to find out where to take glass to recycle it, and it is in north SL. Imagine the gas wasted and pollutants omitted if I drove my glass up there to be recycled. There really is two sides to all of it.
P.S. Lights off while brushing teeth?! I will have to try that one! ;)
P.S.S. Doc doesn't remember Kyle and I either, and I'm okay with that. ;)
Save those disposables for going out. I still can't think of a sanitary or easy way to change a baby with the gDiapers out on the town.
I am really curious to see what Kami thinks of them after she has used them for a while. If they don't work then they aren't worth it.
you lost me at 'SWIZZLE STICK'.........EWWWWWWWWWWW.
sorry, i am not of hardy pioneer stock. plus i am potty training mia right now (worst days of my life...help) so i'm sorry to say i'm OUT.
I haven't tried the gdiaper (haven't heard good enough reviews). I have used cloth though (yeah, I saw your comments on the washing. I don't think they are really more "earth friendly",but if you have a kid that is allergic to many disposies they sure are nice! Funzi Bunz that is!)
so anyway, for a review on the gdiaper check out: http://www.parents.com/baby/care/diapers/one-dad-gives-up-disposable-diapers/?page=1&plckCurrentPage=23
It's rather funny when he (the author) ends up breathing the gdiaper crystals.)
I did some looking on my parenting boards, and many folks that use gdiapers use cloth inserts at home, and only use the disposable inserts when traveling. Other then that, people love them.
The down side is the expense.
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