Do you ever have one of those days where nothing really stikes your fancy to write about? I'm having one of those days. So today's post is going to be a conglomeration of random thoughts:
1) Daphne is potty trained! Woohoo! It took us about 3 weeks, only about a week of more intensive training. I used the book Toilet Training in Less Than a Day (Arzin and Foxx), and it worked wonders. I didn't give in to all the recommended strategies at first. I got Daphne going potty on the toilet every single time using their method, but if I didn't keep on top of taking her, she'd wet her pants. She just wouldn't initiate going. So finally I tried the last principle the book suggested which I had been holding out on: negative reinforcement. Everyone told me to keep potty training all happy and positive. Treats, praise, high fives, etc. And that worked to get her to go. But it didn't get her to care. So I broke down and started telling her one day that wetting her pants was naughty and that I was very sad when she did it. I had to tell her this TWICE, and she never had another accident. Synopsis? This book rocks.
2) Beck is FINALLY starting to walk. He's not walking yet, but he will actually stand up of us own accord and take 5-15 steps before he falls down. Then he'll sometimes get up and try again. Usually he'll just crawl the rest of the way. But at least he's making an effort! And it's about time. He was close to breaking his cousin Finn's record of not walking until 17 months. (He's got 1 day to go). Of course, Finn might win on a techinicality if he was actually walking walking by this time. It seems so strange to me that Beck will be in nursery in 1 month. 1 month? He will still be wobbling around or possibly even crawling sometimes still. Can I really put him in a room with a bunch of rambunceous 3 year olds in that condition?
3) Thank heavens it's finally spring. We have had goregous 60's and 70's weather the last few days. I've been out for walks, playing in the back yard, and finally getting into Daphne and Beck's spring wardrobe. I was so sick of those winter shirts, I can't tell you. Oh, that reminds me. Does anyone have any recommendations for outdoor toys for small children? My kids are bored out of their minds outside. They pick up ants and try to eat rocks because I have no outdoor toys. I did get a bucket and shovel, but I need other ideas. Anyone?
4) Do you ever work out so hard that you come home and are so exhausted you have no choice but to sleep? i feel like I kicked my own butt today because that's how I felt. Maybe I'm just a lazy bum, but I feel that way a lot after I work out! On the other hand, I'm thrilled to actually see some definition in my arms. It's all worth it.
5) I cleaned out and washed my car this weekend. It is so good for my mental state to get into a clean, nice smelling car. The car of a mom with young kids is usually the biggest death trap of disaster and disease and funk known to man. Why is that? Because kids are slobs or because we are? Or because just getting into the house with all your kids and your stuff and your kids' stuff is such an amazing feat that actually taking any of the crap out of the car with you at the same time is laughable? Or because getting back to the car to clean it up after you've dropped your kids, your kids' stuff and your own stuff off in the house is nearly as impossible because your toddler has to go potty, your cat left a giant dead moth just inside the kitchen door which your baby is trying to eat, both of your kids are crying, the phone is ringing, and you desperately need to eat something because it's 11am and your bloodsugar is really low from not having time for breakfast. Ya. Must be that.
amen to potty training--i am doing it with mia right now and i kind of want to put a gun to my head. i've tried ALL the types of reinforcement, and nothing really takes.
i might send her up to stay with you, us being bff's and all.....
Thanks for reminding me I need to clean out my car! Last time I got Sawyer out I noticed there are a couple weeks worth of french fry pieces on the floor in the back. GROSS.
I'm glad the potty training is going so well! Thanks for the book recommendation, I really like it so far.
Ok Amelia was 19 MONTHS before she started walking. And it's not like she couldn't it was that she wouldn't. The won't attitude is stickin around too... dang!
I feel that way after exercise sometimes. For me it's called a blood sugar crash.
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