Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ant Killer

Every spring the ant invasion begins. I can tell when the ants are here because one day I will drop a nugget of something edible on the floor...scratch that; it's not me who drops food on the floor...Beck will throw something off his high chair, and I'll turn around to do something, and when I turn back, the floor under his high chair will be covered with ants. At least they are the cute little tiny brown ones. They don't bite. And they are hardly big enough to see. But I don't want them in my house. After they hit the kitchen, they show up in the closet, the bathroom...everywhere. So usually I just get one of those little Raid disks and set it under the high chair, right by the back door where they squeeze in through the gaps in the floor boards. Within a day or two, they stop coming around.

But this year I have a new weapon. Daphne. As it turns out, Daphne is absolutely fascinated by the little ants crawling all around our house outside. She likes to pick them up and "hold them" by which I mean mash them between her fingers on the way to her other palm. She tries to pet them, i.e. squish them into tiny little ant pieces. I also saw her trying a new technique today--body slamming them. Literally. She would find one on the driveway. Jump up in the air above it, and land hard on her bum, right on top of the ant. Then she would hunch way over and look under between her legs to see if she got it. "I did it!" she would yell triumphantly if she thought the speck of dirt under her was a dead ant. It probably was. Maybe several. Which means, only 264,897,112,241 ants left to go. Keep up the good work, Daphne!


Chelsea said...

All right Daphne! She's a killing machine! :D

I learned a lot about natural ant repellents in our old apartment. If you can find the crack/opening where they're coming in your house, spread petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on it. They won't cross it. I used to draw little circle around them to watch this and they are literally stuck there. Cayenne pepper keeps them away too, if they are in your crawlspace you can sprinkle it in there. Planting mint around your foundation is supposed to help too, but I've never tried it myself.

CaraDee said...

We always get huge ant piles in various places on the driveway or front walkway. By the next day, they've moved

Mia said...

Way to go Daphne! 264,897,112,241 more to go should keep her busy ;)

Christie said...

Ewww. That post made me feel all creepy, crawly inside.

Mindi said...

these little ants have been the bane of my existence until just about 3 months ago. we'd had the exterminator here like 3 billion times and nothing.
finally russ went to lowe's and got this ant bait that our neighbor told us about and, voila!
i'll have to find the name of it.

ps the squishing them with her bum part made me laugh out loud.

Mindi said...

these little ants have been the bane of my existence until just about 3 months ago. we'd had the exterminator here like 3 billion times and nothing.
finally russ went to lowe's and got this ant bait that our neighbor told us about and, voila!
i'll have to find the name of it.

ps the squishing them with her bum part made me laugh out loud.

alex dumas said...

It would suck to be an ant. Unless you were the queen.