Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Real Life Takes Over

I was about to write and say that I'm in a blogging funk. My blog posts have dwindled down to about two or three a week lately. But then I realized it's not so much that I don't have anything to blog about. Or that I don't feel like blogging. It's just that I've actually let REAL LIFE (remember that old thing?) creep back in lately. I may have even been seen doing activities such as...

Reading to the kids
Leaving the house
Sweeping the bathroom floor (most hated chore of all, except moping the bathroom floor, of course)
Starting dinner before 5:45pm
Reading a book!
Catching up on DVR'ed shows
MAKING HOMEMADE CARDS TO KEEP ON HAND (You know you've strayed seriously from the life of a blogger when you have time for that!)
Moping the entryway
Shoveling snow
Styling my hair
Wearing pants

It's amazing the things a woman can get done around the house if she makes 67 subscribed blog writers take a back seat to her husband and children. (I'm sorry, I still love you! Forgive me! I'll never forget you!) (That was directed to you 67 bloggers, not my family, by the way.)

And next week, when the laundry piles up again and the kitchen sink is covered with goo again, and I can't find my kids' floors again, don't worry; that will inspire me to get back into avoiding my responsibilities catching up on blogging.


tiburon said...

TOTALLY get it! I have been doing a lot of the same.

How does one mope a floor though? Do you just pace back and forth whilst frowning and grumbling?

mCat said...

Yes yes and yes. Get the whole thing. And with all the reaing I was doing, I am so far behind on reading blogs that I am sinking under the weight. If I were truly brave I would just mark all as read, and move on. But, I just can't do it.
So plowing through I am. Glad I don't have small children anymore!

Hildie said...

The more stressed I am, the more I want to escape into the interwebs. We'll have people due to come for dinner and half an hour before they arrive, all I can think about is checking my email. Weird.

Jaime Haney said...

all is forgiven... hey, what can I say? I'm in the Christmas Spirit. :) life is for enjoying :)

Mia said...

I totally agree. I have not had the time to post because I have had so many other things going on. I love blogging but it is on the back burner for right now. Maybe after Christmas...

Financial Aid for College said...

Now you know why Grandma-Lorie only blogs once every month or so. She is overwhelmed with real life.

But I sure do enjoy your cute and funny blogs and pictures, and, with congratulations on your choosing the better part, will miss them.

Jen said...

You will be missed, but alas we have to do it sometimes. (or not) If it makes you feel better I havent blogged in a long time, but its not because I have been busy cleaning my house. shhhh dont tell.

Shawn said...

Oh, how I can relate! As you know, I haven't been very good about keeping on top of blog reading OR posting...I can't seem to have an evening to do it---I am wicked stressed with the theatre, etc.---not to mention that I have to get on top of Christmas purchasing---and all the regular life things. Oh, I am tired just thinking about it....

Anonymous said...

I've heard that real life thing isn't all it's cracked up to be.

kado! said...

i've been doing the same...it's that time of year...the CRAZY busy time!!!!