Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, flowers. Anyway, I planted some peonies in my yard a few years ago and they have become absolutely splendid. Why do I not remember how much I love peonies until they are in bloom? Maybe because they bloom such a short time and then they're gone for another 50 weeks.
I planted two bushes the first year. They opened up to be hot pink. So the next year I planted a white peony bush so I could make a multi-colored bouquet. The one problem? They don't bloom at the same time! The pinks are all petals-on-the-ground by the time the whites are starting to bloom. Foiled. But here are some pictures of the beautiful things anyway.
I have to say, I might have to work peonies into my list of favorite flowers. It currently looks like:
Favorite To Smell: Lilacs
Favorite To Look At: Lillies
Favorite in Yard: Crocus
Favorite in Bouquets: Gerbera Daisies
But I think I might have to scratch out Gerbera Daisies and put Peonies. If only they would last a bit longer! If only they bloomed all summer! I might just scratch everything off the list and just have peonies on there. (But Sweetie, feel free to go with the daisies and lillies any time!)
Oooh, I love PEE-uh-nees too. They're one of my favorites. To smell I like lilies of the valley and to see blooming I like tulips.
i hope to see a lot of these beautiful flowers while i'm in UT next week!
I love peonies too! (Do people really say pee-OH-nies? Weird. And miss-chee-vee-ous drives me crazy.) Mine are white/pale pink and were at their peak 2 weeks ago.
I love Peeeee-Yonies! said just like that. :)
They are my second favorite flower :)
Great now I am going to be correcting myself every time I say miss-CHEE-vee-us for the rest of my life. I need some fresh flowers on my table!
Your pee-OH-nee's are bee-U-tee-full!!
I like pansies and wisteria for the smell.
I have on peoniee plant that I got as a start from my grandmother. We've lived here ten years and I've only gotten blooms off of it for the last three years. A lot of that is because I didn't really take care of it. It's a lovely pinkish white and the blooms are just starting to open. I want some deep red ones badly.
I love those!!!! I think I might have to plant some next year in my yard
I love peonies...probably my favorite flower. I had them in my wedding bouquet(pale pink) with green cymbidium orchids...LOVED IT! Yours are beautiful. I should plants some in our back yard when it's finished. I just bought all the flowers for our front yard. Hibiscus, Lilies, and all sorts of other beautiful flowers.
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