Monday, December 8, 2008

Beck's First Love

The other day while Tiburon and I were gabbing away over our Cafe Rio birthday food, Beck had his first kiss. From A GIRL. ON THE LIPS. I know he seems a bit young, but it's never too early to hone your kissing skills, I think. Here is the lucky lady. And isn't she a doll?

And their mothers aren't too shabby either, right?


rychelle said...

so cute (and just a tiny bit sad that he's getting more action than me!)

Anonymous said...

Who could resist smooching on him?!? What a cutie!!

tiburon said...

I am so glad they have declared themselves at this young age...

Mia said...

They are so cute! Too bad you didn't get the smooch on camera ;)

Mindi said...

smokin' hot moms.

did he get nasty? or was it chaste?

mia wants to give me open mouth kisses all the time now. awkward.