Anyway, as the name implies, the idea of the random gift giving is to pay it forward! So I think the dust has settled on my last giveaway and it's time for me to pay it forward. I haven't decided exactly what will be in the prize yet, but I'll give you a hint as to the general direction of the prize...

Now, in order to make this a combination prize giveaway + ego boost, I want as many people as possible to comment on my blog. That way I can pretend they are people who actually READ my blog, not just ones who want free stuff. I also want to bring out any lurkers (as if there are any. But I can dream, can't I?) So I will give you 1 entry for leaving a comment on my blog, and a whopping TWO ENTRIES MORE for putting a shout on on your blog about my giveaway (make sure you leave another comment letting me know that you did a shout-out). I will draw the lucky winner in one week, which would make the date...let me calculate the square root of 18 million, times 45.7, divided by pi, to the tenth power = next Wednesday, July 23.
BUT REMEMBER: This is a Pay It Forward giveaway. So be prepared to pass the give-away-ed-ness on.
Ready, Set, Go!
oh I'm in!!! (crosses fingers)
I like this idea. Did your friend come up with it?
Tee hee hee July 23. Ok count me in for one now and I will get the shout out up ASAP!!!
wow. you are really good at math.
shouting it out either tomorrow or friday. that's my level of devotion. and i love chocolate. and i want you to buy my love.
i figure it's a win/win situ.
What a fun idea! :) Heather/grace303
If it has to do with free chocolate you should get comments from all English-speaking, diabetes-free people with internet access. I failed to read the fine print, but was that one comment per household or per person? :D
Chocolate obviously deserves all the attention we give it and I deserve as many chances as possible to savor it, especially when free! As such, Jen and I let everyone on our blog know about the giveaway. It was a hard decision...add to my chances for winning by getting one more vote but at the same time decrease my chances if everyone on our blog enters. My mind couldn't calculate the possibilities and associated probabilities. It's chocolate!
I posted a link to your blog for this.
Per person for the one vote, per blog for the extra two votes. so you and Jen each get one, and you get two for the shout out. You guys will have to spit it if you win, I think.
Yep...I'll take it!
enter me now (sounds dirty!)
OK, so I wrote a post to be published around midnight. More entries, please (and if I win I don't want any of that dark crap. I want nothing but milk.)
Chocolate? Yes, please. Count me in!! (I found you via Mindi's shoutout & am about to add one of my own on my blog.)
love it! can't wait to win it!
LOL at Jennie's "dirty" comment! :D
I gave you a shout-out on my blog too.
Please do not enter me for this giveaway. I am commenting to show the love but I cannot handle chocolate. My hips cannot handle chocolate.
This is just a cruel cruel giveaway.
Nuttin' can make me any fatter,and taste more delishhh...So what the heck, count me in, will shout you out in a couple of days.
Btw- ok I can't remember if I have ever commented on your blog before, I know I've been, just can't remeber, dang it.
Oh yea- bought a dwipe from Suzanne the other day, I have two kids in diapers, so it has been really handy. T-H-E-R-E G-REAAAAAAT!!!!!
Mmmmm! I find myself eating more chocolate now that I'm a SAHM, coincidence? I should do a study.
Hey, I'll give you a shout out too! Come on over and see in a few minutes... :)
Jennie referred me this way. You two make quite a team.
I'm in-okay that didn't sound appropriate after reading Jennie's comment;)
Got the shout out posted on my blog, even mentioned you were fun and beautiful!
You need to bump this to the top so all my many readers will be able to find it better.
I love the pay it forward concept...I'm in , I'm in!!
Posting now...
Count me in. I just came over from Mindi's blog. I love the pay it forward idea!
I made it over here from Mia's blog -- sign me up!!
I came from Jennie's blog. Such a great sister you have!!!!!
Oh, wow, chocolate! a word, yum!
Pay It Forward has always been one of my mantras ever since I read the book. I am a true believer.
I found you through my new buddy blogger Karyn, and I hope you don't mind if I add you to my buddy list, too. From the looks of your posts, I think we might have been separated at birth, or sumthin'! :)
I'll definitely give you a "shout out" on my blog, too. It's an amazing concept that should be shouted out from the rooftops.
Hugs (and nice to "meet" you! :)
Just found you from another blog...Even if I don't win I'm gonna pay it forward! I'm going to have a give away and I don't have many readers! So check mine out next Friday I will have some fun with this!
I"m in too! Very fun idea. I came through from Chelsea's blog--- and will put a shout out on mine ASAP!
Here is the REAL reason I should absolutely positively win this deal---- I HAVE LIVED IN A PINK HOUSE! No lies. I'll dig up a picture and post it. Us pink house women have to stick together :)
Oh what a way to lure people in...chocolate! Yum!!
Count me in for three then!
Anyone who is a choclate lover has the power. Especially, if you love choclate as much as Texas like me.
lonnie said...
Second attempt to comment is hopefully better than the first. Choclate is power and I am brown all over, so I should win.
Seriously, like you need any more people to read your blog!!! Jk, count me in for 3 entries and I will get ready thinking of a great Pay it Forward!
I'm probably to late since I was out of town, but add me please. Chocolate should be my middle name :)
I'm probably to late since I was out of town, but add me please. Chocolate should be my middle name :)
That was certainly more comments than you ever had before.
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