I reailze sometimes when I read people's blogs, especially ones that I've linked to and don't actually know, that I rarely read their "this is who I am" section on the side of their blog. And even if I do know them, it's interesting to see the things people highlight about themselves. So I thought I might start a tag for anyone who wants to play to copy and paste their little section about themselves into a blog post, just to make it easy to read and to see who's playing along. Maybe I'll learn a few new things! Tell me if you learned anything. Here's mine....
I still have some misgivings about airing my life out on the internet, but for my friends, I will do it. If you don't know me, here's where you can get your fill of Arianne trivia: I am from Detroit. I love baked goods, 80's new wave, sleeping, dancing, the woods, growing green things, traveling, trivia games, pasta, sushi, making soap, reading the classics, learning languages, old musicals, and NOT doing math. I hate following trends--I march to my own bass. I have two kids and one husband. Big Daddy(the husband), is awesome. He makes me laugh constantly and could be nominated for Father Of the Year every day. Daphne, my firstborn, is nearly 3. She is smart, fun, curious, loves animals, and perfers an all sugar diet or nothing at all. And she loves to sleep, just like her mommy. Beck is almost 18 months and FINALLY walking. He is all boy. He prefers splashing in toilet water and emptying garbage cans to toys, hands down. He loves to sing and be sung to, has a giant head on a tiny neck that he bobs wildly to any music within earshot. And I think he weighs more than his sister. Flossie, our cat, still avoids the kids as much as she can. Ok, I think that sums it up nicely.
alright--give me a minute. i feel like i might be graded on this assignment and i want to put forth my best effort.
does it have to be typed or can i handwrite it??? on spiral notebook paper??
Mindi, it's copy and paste only! No fair revising your blurb 8000 times in order to seem cooler (as if that were possible).
i read it before i ever comment! sizing people up, I suppose! Anyway started loving you right away!
i'm with you on Mindi...could she be any more cool?!?!?!
I'm in! I'll do it tomorrow!
Cute idea! I always read other's "about me" sections - especially those of people I know IRL. I love reading how people describe themselves.
I am a 33 year old, work at home mom in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have been married to my best friend for 10 years. We have 4 incredible, beautiful kids! Ethan is 9 - he is a daredevil extraordinaire. He loves skiing, hiking, swimming, riding his bike and skateboarding. Avery is 6 - she is my diva! She loves to dress up and put makeup on. She is my shopping buddy and always says the funniest things. Olivia (Lulu) is 3 - she is my little troublemaker. I can't turn my back on her for one second and I am sure there will be lots of blog posts about her adventures! Amelia (Millie) is 1 and is just the sweetest, most cuddliest baby you will ever meet. I am so lucky to be me! I hope you enjoy reading about our family.
great idea- you don't know me, but i'll give it a whirl...
I'm a gal who like people, loves this country and has a strong belief in God. On my blog I write about my adventures in dieting, excercise, especially biking, and trying new things. You'll find me ranting about what's going on in the political world (i'm conservative minded), gas prices and my view of John McCain and Barack Obama. I love my family and of course will post much regarding them. I'll brag a little, but also be real and poke fun alot. Glad to meet you.
oops, i think i posted twice...just approve the first one--sorry about that.
My intro is cheesy compaired to yours... so might do this tag.
I haven't written one. Maybe I should do this.
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