You'll like this movie. It's called "North and South." In case you're worried, I'm not talking about the horrible mini-series from the 80's staring Patrick Swayze. No, this is a movie made from a book by Elizabeth Gaskell from the 1850's. It's a later time period than the Empire Period from Jane Austen's books; the dresses are full-skirted and waists are lower. But the feel is similar. It's a four part series, so you do need to be into period movies. But if you can handle the 8 or however many ours of Pride and Prejudice, you'll do fine. It's out on DVD. I just finished it and liked it rather well.
Synopsis: Margaret Hale and her parents move from the slow-paced south of England to a dark, dreary industrial cotton town, Milton. There she tries to adapt to the difference in culture and climate. Meanwhile, she meets the horrible master of one cotton mill, Mr. Thornton, and makes friends with some poor workers at a different mill. Things get tense when the workers strike for better wages and the manager has become friends with Margaret's father. Margaret finds herself caught between her own class, where she has few friends, and a lower one, whom she respects. She also hides a secret which may cost someone dear to her his life if she reveals it. Yet, due to misunderstandings, her character will be in question if she does not.
Sound good? If you watch it, let me know what you think.
I want to watch it.... where can I find a copy?
My mom borrowed it from a friend, so I'm not sure. I would suggest Blockbuster.com. Or the local library--they have more of those classic movies in stock than the video stores.
I enjoyed this. Especially the kiss at the end. Have you read the book? Because that ending doesn't seem very Gaskell-like.
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