Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Goddess Tiburon

(Look closely at the face.)

Notice anything different about my blog? Ya, it got another makeover. The last look was super cute. But I realized it wasn't really ME. So I talked my genius friend Tiburon into letting her creative juices flow all over my blog again. (That sounds like something dirty, doesn't it?) And this is the result....SO FANTASTIC, huh? And very me. She also put up with me making her revise the header about 20 times. Isn't she wonderful? (In your comments, be sure to tell her how wonderful she is in case I ever decide to change my blog again. Don't pass out, Tib. I'll wait a while first.) Thanks for the new blog, Girl. You're the best.


.jimaie.marie. said...

OOo!! it really is Oh SO Cute!!!!

i like it A LOT!

Mindi said...

i'm pretty sure we are gonna need to start a "i worship tiburon" blog. she is the bomb and your blog is sa-weeeeet.

CaraDee said...

Very cute. And why is my Jimae commenting here??? jk

Hildie said...

Me likey.

tiburon said...

Mindi - to be honest I am a little surprised that you haven't gotten on that one yet...

I am glad you likey Arianne :)

alex dumas said...

I missed this party. Nice to see that Mindi has joined.

Whatever design we're talking about, I'm sure the Tibster made it fabulous. But I'm still mad about the widget.