Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Seriously Rambling

I sure hope my husband doesn't read this.

It's 1:54 pm and I haven't showered yet. I haven't gotten dressed yet (unless you count trading out my pajama pants for work-out shorts). I'm not wearing a bra. I haven't applied deodorant. I haven't brushed my hair. I AM, however, wearing lipstick and under-eye cover up. I do have some standards, after all.

There is a reason for this. I'm not usually an afternoon dresser/get-ready-er. But I got woken up out of a very deep sleep this morning. I was dreaming. Dreaming that my husband had paid a friend of mine to convince me that I shouldn't wear my favorite coat (which he didn't like. In my dream). And it took me a good hour to fully reach consciousness after I got woken up. Then I got my kids dressed and breakfasted. And I realized that I haven't worked out in a while. And that I gained several pounds while my relatives were visiting. So I thought maybe I'd just ride the kids around the block on my bike. So there was no point getting showered and dressed first and then getting sweaty. So I waited. And I biked. And then when that was done, I was exhausted and my legs were wobbly, like wet fettuccine. So I sat on the porch for a few minutes to let them settle. And while sitting there, I noticed parts of my grass that were dry. So I got out the sprinkler and put it on a dry spot. Then I started picking up yard toys. And I noticed that the kids' water and sand table needed refilling. Etc. Etc. Before I knew it, it was 11am. So I came inside and put a movie on for the kids so I could get ready for the day. I intended to get right in the shower, but then Daphne had a little accident. She's getting over a stomach bug. Monday she barfed all afternoon. Yesterday she had the runs. Then Beck had the runs--like the kind that got all over his bed, pillow, pants, shirt and hair. EW. I had to throw away two pillows this week. He had a bloody nose a few hours later. Then today, Daphne, with the more runs. So before I could shower, I had to clean her up and get her more underwear. And when I went upstairs to her room, I realized that I still haven't cleaned up the craziness of having 11 relatives stay in my house over the last 10 days. So I started deflating blow up beds, picking up towels, noticing spots on the carpet, which turned out to be from Daphne not quite making it to the toilet today. UGH. I can't believe how many sorts of bodily fluids I've had to deal with in the last 36 hours!

ANYWAY, I finally got some cleaning and organizing done upstairs and, poof!, it was lunch time. Got the kids fed, got Beck down for a nap, got Daphne a show for quiet time, and then I just needed to sit down and rest. WITH my laptop, of course.'s now 2:o2pm and I still haven't showered.

Make that 2:07 pm. (Proof reading).

Am I a bad person? Or just a smelly, bra-less, scraggly-haired, half-dressed, normal stay-at-home-mother?

Please say the second one. 'Cause I've got 8 loads of laundry sitting on various surfaces in my room that need to be folded (I swear, it's VERY next on my list! After the shower, of course. And a snack. And doing my hair. But next after that....if the kids don't wake up), and if you say I'm a bad mother, I just might pull out a pair of Daphne's tights and strangle myself with them. If I can find them.


Kristina P. said...

I got in the shower at 2:30. Honestly, if I didn't have to be to work at 4, I wouldn't have showered at all today.

Mia said...

Don't sweat it... well more than you have already sweated. You have not been slacking in the least. I don't shower til the afternoon lots of days if I have chores scheduled for the morning. I get all grimy when I clean and I have ruined one too many shirts with cleaning stuff bleaching them out.

mCat said...

Um, it's 3:23pm, I have not showered, no bra, no deoderant, no teeth brushed, no little kids to even get in my guilt.

You are freakin mother of the year

Jen said...

Yeah, I agree, you are NOT a bad mother, by any means. :)

Sarah said...

So glad it's not just me!

Tiffany said...

My average get ready time is 12:30. For reals.

Chelsea said...

I have days like this all the time. It's definitely not just you!

Devri said...

YOu think that is bad, I can't even shower myself. my hubby has to do it for me since my foot and all. crap. I am shameless now. your not #2. cuz at least you brushed your teeth. (I think)

Sara said...

I get up at 5:30 every morning, and I'm still don't shower most days until after lunch. What's the point when you clean and get all stinky and sweaty again.

Hildie said...

Eh, you've already squandered today. You might as well not bother getting anything done until tomorrow.

Koreena said...

Don't want to admit how many days I have like that, so I'll just say it's A LOT! You're totally normal.

rachel said...

Sounds pretty normal to me.
And HOT.

CaraDee said...

Ha ha, you're ME. Only you actually get stuff done braless.

Cook Family said...

I'm a little concerned about you biking without a bra. After cleaning up all the bodily fluids, now is the time to shower, you have good timing!

Cook Family said...

I found you through Kati Atwood. And just so you are really confused, Katie is my step-mom's niece, so we are cousins, kind of. I love your blog!

Kristine said...

I say #2 cause this sounds like me sometimes. But I do feel super crappy when I don't shower til late in the day. I don't know why, but it makes me ornery :( Good luck getting your house back in order! That's exhausting!

Shawn said...

Most days when Aydan was in school, I didn't shower until before his bus came home---at 2:30!

Anonymous said...

I never wear a bra, so don't feel too bad about that one. Yesterday, none of us showered or anything until the afternoon. Except for getting make-up on, I'd say you are pretty normal - as far as it pertains to this post.

Nicki said...

WOW, you kicked all your friends into response with THAT blog. You can tell when you hit a familiar nerve!

Mom, not Nicki

tiburon said...

You just described almost every day of my life. Except with 4 kids...