My fantastic husband is to thank for this beautiful logo. But "What is Sweet Suds?" some of you ask. Let me explain: I have been making soaps for about 4 years now. I got into it after my sister Jennie introduced me to it. I do the melt-and-pour kind, so it's super easy. It is one of the few creative hobbies out there that I actually enjoy. I'm too pragmatic to spend time on crafts that don't have a practical use. So making soaps is the perfect hobby for me. The one problem is that you can only give away so much soap. The day will come when my friends and relatives start saying, "Make me something else for Christmas this year." But with so many new scents to sample, new molds to try, and new styles of soap to create, I just don"t see myself becoming bored with soap-making before my friends are sick of soap. So when my pal Crystal suggested that I might sell some of my soaps at her new New Age shop, The Crystal Ray, I thought that might be a good idea. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I might be able to sell my soaps through other boutiques and even online at sites like Ebay and Etsy.com. But if I was going to do that, I'd need a catchy name for my soap business and a really cute logo for the tags. Enter my brilliant designer husband. (Hmmm...that sounds like I picked him up from a runway in Milan or Paris. You know what I mean, though, right?). As always, Kelly whipped up something absolutely perfect for the occasion in just a few short hours. I love my new logo! Don't you? Now to get some great pictures done for the online stores, make a website, start wrapping up the soaps I have for the Crystal Ray, and get making more soap!!! That's the best part. I can't wait! And what if no one buys my soap? I'm sure my husband will not want to hear me say this but, I DON'T CARE! It's an excuse to make more soaps, and that's all I need. (But I should mention that if my soaps don't sell, you'll all be getting soap for Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, Halloween, Flag Day, Canada Day, and your birthdays for the next ten years. Hope you like soap!)
I love it! Great job Kelly!
And I don't think you have ANY reason to worry that your soap won't sell. You're very talented.
It looks great. Good luck with everything - I am sure it will be fantastic!
Super cute! But don't you think you could get a bit of toile in there somehow?
Do you still do this? Everybody needs soap. Some more than others. I don't see how such a gift could get old.
Yes, I do. But not for money anymore. It became clear to me after several unsuccessful attempts to sell my soaps at boutiques and fairs and such that it's more fun to make them than to buy them. So I just make them as gifts now.
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