Am I the only one who has found TV so freaking boring lately? Man, those dang writers are killing me! I haven't watched a new TV episode in weeks and weeks. Months??? If it weren't for reality TV I would have shot mysef by now. (I know, I know. I could try reading a book or doing a craft or something. Whatever. Shut up.) Back to reality TV....Kelly and I enjoyed watching Beauty and the Geek. Always very entertaining. And I loved Dancing With the Stars this fall. But that's over now. Then last week I got myself nicely hooked on The Biggest Loser. I thought I might be able to get some good diet and exercise tips from it for my own biggest loser competition and was quickly sucked into the drama of it all. (Oh, and there are no diet or exercise tips to be found on the show. But there's some good old-fashioned back stabbing to keep you entertained.) And now there is the ever-popular American Idol to keep us from going crazy. Aside from that, though, we are back to reruns of The Office and episodes of House Hunters. I'm not complaining--I do like House Hunters and even reruns of the Office make me laugh. But I'd just like a real, funny (or good) TV show to watch that I haven't seen before.
ENTER "LOST." Like a ray of light, tomorrow begins the new season (or partial season) of Lost. To tell you the truth, I was just about ready to quit watching Lost at the end of last season because the constant questions and lack of ever having resolutions was starting to get on my nerves. But at this point I'll take what I can get. Actual actors doing actual acting with actual scripts? Halleluia! (Right now we're watching the Pop Up Video version of last season's finale. Not to shabby. Plus, it's been like a year since this show was on so I definitely need a refresher).
Maybe I should have titled this blog, "Thank Goodness for Lost."
I've gotten into all the Discovery Health shows - Trauma in the ER, Skeleton Stories, DR G, etc. I am hooked!
christie, I don't normally get that channel, but I've had a free preview the last couple of weeks and I have about 20 hours of shows from that channel on my DVR now! I love Trauma in the ER, Mystery Diagnosis, Medical Incredible, Impact:Stories of Survival...there are so many good ones. Kelly thinks I'm a sick-o.
I really can't stand most reality TV, so this strike has significantly cut back on my TV watching. Not necessarily a bad thing. But I will be so excited when all my favs are back!
I heard on the news tonight that they've reached a preliminary agreement and may have an official one by next week. Let's hope!
When I actually turn the television on, I find it boring 99% of the time.
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