I am happy to announce that Daphne has finally outgrown her terrible twos (knock on wood)! After about a year of willfulness, whining, tantrums, stubbornness, and uncontrollable crying, she has turned into a sweet, charming, loving little girl, the one I remember from before she turned 18 months old. She now eats most of what she's given (or at least doesn't burst into tears at every meal), says "Thank you, Mommy" and "You welcome, Mommy" excessively, plants random kisses and unsolicited hugs on us, and goes to bed without a meltdown over which book to read and how she wants her blanket laid over her. Learning to talk better probably has something to do with it--less frustration. And the rest of it, I'm guessing, is hormonal. I'm so glad. It really was trying my patience to be around her. Now things will be peaceful and calm in our house......for another few months until Beck turns 18 months, I'm guessing. Oh well!
Other updates on the kids are that Beck is getting his first molar. I had thought he had escaped the Thompson weird tooth gene, but I guess not. The Thompson weird tooth gene first manifested itself when Daphne got her first tooth...at age 16 months! Then she proceeded to get her upper teeth first. First the middle one and then the one to the side of it, not the middle two. Next the two lower middle teeth grew in. Then SIX months went by before the other upper middle tooth grew in. She had the strangest smile for a while! Anyway, I thought Beck 's teeth would grow in normally when his first two teeth--lower and middle--showed up at the young age of 8 months old. And then when his two upper middle teeth were next, I was pretty sure he'd have a normal dental history. But no, after 5 months with no new teeth, now he is getting a molar. It's so bizarre! It's also causing him a bit of discomfort, poor thing.
No walking updates for Beck. He isn't even slightly inclined to walk. He will take a few steps if you hold both of his hands, but if you only hold one or if you try to get him to walk to you, he just sits down. He even got a super-fun walking toy for his birthday, but he won't take a single step with it. Crazy kid! He does love to crawl, though, and on Saturday demonstrated his crawling skills by crawling all the way up our steep stairs to the second floor! I guess it's time to get out the baby gate. It's hard to believe my little tiny newborn from last year is this adorable, chubby, busy, curious, super mobile almost-toddler. Time does fly.
I think that learning to talk is the biggest part of outgrowing the terrible 2s. Just imagine not being able to express yourself - I'd probably throw tantrums as well.
Ah, I love the almost-walking stage.
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