Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dream A Little Dream of Pee

Have you ever had a recurring dream in your life? One which happens the same or nearly the same over and over throughout a period of/your whole life? I have one. It's kind of gross. But it is one where I am in a public bathroom and I have to go. BAD. But every stall has something wrong with it. A door is missing on this one, no seat on the next one, only a rim. Most of them are full to the brim with nastiness. And usually the floors are covered too, making it impossible for me to find a place to go.

I have been having this same dream, with variations on location and number of disgusting stalls, my whole life. I always wondered why. And then recently (yes, it took me my WHOLE LIFE to figure this out!) I finally figured out what this dream means. It's nothing deep. Not Freudian. No therapy or dream books required. No, it simply means I have to go to the loo and my body is trying to keep me from doing it in my sleep!

I've been having this dream a lot lately. And I realize it's because I have been drinking more than usual. I'm not a thirsty person. Generally the only time I get thirsty (and also the only time water tastes good to me) is between the hours of 8-11pm. And with the extra intake of water to help with milk production, I tend to take in about 24-32 ounces of water right before bed.

I really need to work on drinking between the hours of 9-11 am, but water is just gross that time of day. What can I say?

How about you? Do you have any recurring dreams? And more importantly, when does water taste good to YOU?


Charlie N. Holmberg said...

SHUT UP, I have that same dream ALL THE TIME! No joke! Or the stall doors aren't high enough, or the toilet's in the middle of the living room, or they're all nasty and broken with no privacy. How funny! Maybe it's a Nicholes thing?

Financial Aid for College said...

Oh my gosh! So do I! Everything is public and FILTHY, and sometimes there are men walking around in the door-less restroom. I guess the subconscious message is, "No, you cannot relieve yourself here and now, Stupid!" i.e. Get Up!

And water tastes delicious at bedtime, and yucky during the day.

Koreena said...

I constantly dream about missing a test or realizing halfway through a semester that I've forgotten to go to a class I registered for and now I'm flunking. Can we say issues with school?? Geesh!

Bjorge Queen said...

Tell me about your mother...

Mrs. O said...

I have this dream too, and I never figured that out.

Sara said...

Whenever I have weird dreams, I always need to Pee!