Next I found droppings in my baggies and plastic wrap drawer. Why the mouse had chosen to hang out and poop in that drawer is beyond me. There isn't anything slightly edible in there. So I washed out that drawer, sprayed it with bleach disinfectant, and put all the baggies and plastic wrap back in.
The next day I opened a nearby drawer, a sort of catch-all drawer containing things like birthday candles, chip clips, wooden skewers, and matches. I found more mouse droppings mixed in among the detritus of my cooking adventures. And candle shavings. What are candle shavings, you ask? Candle shavings are what's left after a mouse chews up a candle. Why Said Mouse had chosen to hang out and poop and eat candles in this drawer, I don't know. There are cupboards and drawers all over kitchen containing delectable items like chips, crackers, cereal and Peanut M&M's. And the counter at the time had brownies, cookies, and corn bread on it. But he hadn't touched that stuff. He had gone straight for the green, waxy candle. I thought this mouse must have brain damage.
Usually Flossie, my cat, is an excellent mouser. But this mouse seemed to be giving her some trouble. Flossie had haunted the corner of my kitchen where the mouse droppings had been spotted for two days. Then she had hung out in the corner of the dining room behind the radiator for a day or two, just staring. Next she staked out the little gap in the floorboards behind the living room TV. But she never seemed to be able to catch Said Mouse. I was beginning to think Said Mouse was more cunning than I had previously believed.
So I took matters into my own hand and bought mouse traps.
Day 1: I put the mouse traps, baited with peanut butter, in the two favored kitchen drawers (both of which had been revisited, if excrement is any sign). The next day? Both traps were licked clean. No mouse.
Day 2: I put new bait in the traps--peanut butter with a big chunk of hard bread smooshed down in it. I figured this way the mouse would have to tug at the bread, thereby setting off the traps. The next day? Both traps licked clean. No mouse.
Day 3: I went back to the store to get a different kind of trap. The kind with the super sensitive hair triggers. The kind that make me cringe in fear just setting them up. I baited them with cream cheese covered in peanut butter. I'm pretty sure that equals ambrosia in mouseland. I set up trap #1 on the kitchen counter, trap #2in the drawer, trap #3 behind the TV, and trap #4 next to the radiator. And this morning? Well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...
Worried, were you? Thought you were going to be forced to look at the mutilated body of a brainless mouse? Oh no. Not this mouse. This mouse is smart. Cunning. Crafty. And he has a sense of humor. Because as I was standing there staring dumbfounded at mousetrap #3 this morning, Said Mouse jumped out from his hole in the floorboards and trotted right past me. He didn't scurry. He didn't run. He moved like he knew just what he was doing...heading to get his breakfast from mousetrap #4.
I think this mouse is messing with me. And liking it.
Game on, Snanu. Game on.
Wow, he IS one smart mouse! Mice are creepy.
Did we ever tell you about the mouse we had in our apartment there in Salt Lake? Let me tell you, I am no are way braver than me :)
YUCK!!! I would scream for sure if we had mice, and not because it surprised me, but because I am freaked out by mice/rats/big spiders/snakes...well you get the idea. I would be calling the professionals I think. Good luck.
Oh I also heard if you get a deep bucket fill it with water half way and fill it with a box captin crunch cereal then take a board and make a ramp the mouse will go up the ramp and jump into the bucket to get the cereal, and then drown. Good luck
I swear mice are telepaths.
The only thing worse than a mouse is a clever mouse. And then only thing worse than a clever mouse is a mouse with a machine gun. (I just made that up.)
I had 3 mouse sightings before I decided it was time to buy DeCon. It worked.
I found a nest in some old crap in our storage room There were green decon turds in the sheets section of the box. Also, a shredded candle. What's with the candles???
Oh, something that worked for us a few years ago was something called a "Mice Cube". It's a little dark box with a one-way door. You put pb on a cracker in it and voila, live mouse the next day. Should do the trick. But then you have a live mouse to contend with. Just less gross than the glue traps my friend swears by.
You can buy both at walmart.
GREAT post.
Yes I was scared! And gross gross gross! I have a suggestion though, my dad use to actually thread cheese onto the mouse trap so they really had to pull to get it off. Worked every time :)
I squished a mouse with a chair I was holding once. It was messy and dirty. I would suggest the glue traps, but he seems to crafty for all that...
I suppose the only answer is the squeaky wake up call of a mice trapped on a glue trap.
I secretly love watching them suffer. (evil laugh, fingers twiddling)
sick, huh?
Mice are dirty and nasty and I CAN'T STAND THEM!!! One time I stayed in my bed in my room until my hubby could find the one that I had seen in my room----eeeeeekkkkkk! I don't know WHAT I would do with an uber mouse----probably move.
We used some of these ( when we had a rodent problem in the yard. I smeared peanut butter on the bottom of the trigger. They have to stick their head under the trigger to get the food and this seemed to get them every time.
Best of luck!
Your post cracked me up. I hope your furry little problem goes away soon. If you feed him enough maybe it'll slow him down and the cat will be able to actually catch him. :)
Well I had to come out of lurking for this one. I love your blog and you tell such great stories, about the mouse, I think this time of the year is the worst anyway because they are trying to get out of the cold and find a warm home. My DH has already caught 2 this month and we caught them both using the peanut butter way. Good luck catching yours.
Our cat usually gets the mice. And the birds out of the air. One year, we had one, and it was like he was totally oblivious to the mouse. We ended up catching it on a glue trap. Gross.
That is one cheeky mouse! Hope you catch him/her soon.
Well told. Hope you win. Rather, I hope Flossie wins. It would be cleaner.
Sounds like you need something a little stronger.
What a hysterical post! But I have NO advice. I've never been able to catch mine, either.
1 mini m&m and hot glue, works at my house every time!
Sorry that was me, not Aspen. I'm sharing computers now!
that is a very clever mouse. good luck!
GROSS!! I don't do mice... No traps here.. just poison!
AGH! you are much braver than i am!!!
With a name like Snanu and skills to match, it must be a mouse from another world.
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