I have blogged several times before about my disappointment in the state of customer service these days. I have griped about how employees don't smile or say hello to you, how they talk to other employees while they're ringing you up, how you can't get through on the phone when you call customer service for help, or how even when you finally do, companies don't actually want to help you or give you the benefit of the doubt any more.
This post is a post to give props for outstanding customer service. I know, I know, it's like a Christmas miracle! But it's the truth. Here's how it all went down.
I've been a customer of Winder Dairy for about 5 years. I love that they deliver right to my door, I love that their milk and eggs are hormone free, I love that they have a huge variety of fresh and ready-made products, and I love that they deliver right to my door. Did I mention that they deliver to my door? Anywho, I started getting more than just milk and eggs over the last year. They have good bread, good produce, and in a pinch I'll also get things like yogurt, sour cream, cheese, juice, and even pizza from them.
Well, last week I decided to try a new bread they offered. 10 Grain. Big Daddy said he'd had a really good multi-grain bread in a sandwich shop recently, and, coming from a 99.9% white-bread-eater, I knew this was big news. So I thought I'd try to find a bread like the one he had. So I got the one from Winder (which is made by Paradise Bakery, incidentally). Well, it was a real disappointment. I had expected a nice hearty, dense whole wheat bread with bits of sunflower seeds and oats and other stuff throughout. Instead what I got was fluffy, flimsy WHITE BREAD with a few seeds and things in it. It wasn't at all what I had imagined and didn't remotely live up to Big Daddy's expectations. So I went to the website to leave some user feedback on the bread (I’m a big believer in user feedback and reviews. I find them invaluable in choosing items online so I try to do my duty and help others out in return).
Imagine my surprise when, less than a week later, the phone rang and it was Winder Dairy calling. The polite girl on the phone said that she wanted to thank me for leaving my review of the 10 Grain Bread. She was sorry that I didn’t like it and would pass my comments on to the quality control people. She hoped I would continue to try new things and leave comments to they could improve their products.
HOW NICE WAS THAT? I will tell you: VERY nice. In this world where no company or representative of any company gives a hoot about what you think or even cares if they keep you as a customer, it’s amazing to find someone who not only cares about what you said about their product, but who takes the time to CALL YOU and THANK YOU in person for leaving your feedback, even when the feedback was negative! Now THAT is customer service.
If I weren’t already completely in love with Winder Dairy for the fact that they have always had superb customer service, this would have tipped the scales. As it is, every time I’ve ever called, I have talked with exceptionally polite, respectful, eager to please people who have immediately resolved my issues and made sure I’m happy. Plus, their food is delicious and reasonably priced. Even when some things are higher priced than the grocery store, I save tons of money every month by not having to run to the store every other day to buy “just a loaf of bread” (as I leave the store $50 later) or “just a gallon of milk” (as I leave $75 later). Yes, I’m a true fan. A loyal customer. There isn’t much incentive that can out-do really good customer service.
Plus, did I mention that they deliver right to your door?
This post is a post to give props for outstanding customer service. I know, I know, it's like a Christmas miracle! But it's the truth. Here's how it all went down.
I've been a customer of Winder Dairy for about 5 years. I love that they deliver right to my door, I love that their milk and eggs are hormone free, I love that they have a huge variety of fresh and ready-made products, and I love that they deliver right to my door. Did I mention that they deliver to my door? Anywho, I started getting more than just milk and eggs over the last year. They have good bread, good produce, and in a pinch I'll also get things like yogurt, sour cream, cheese, juice, and even pizza from them.
Well, last week I decided to try a new bread they offered. 10 Grain. Big Daddy said he'd had a really good multi-grain bread in a sandwich shop recently, and, coming from a 99.9% white-bread-eater, I knew this was big news. So I thought I'd try to find a bread like the one he had. So I got the one from Winder (which is made by Paradise Bakery, incidentally). Well, it was a real disappointment. I had expected a nice hearty, dense whole wheat bread with bits of sunflower seeds and oats and other stuff throughout. Instead what I got was fluffy, flimsy WHITE BREAD with a few seeds and things in it. It wasn't at all what I had imagined and didn't remotely live up to Big Daddy's expectations. So I went to the website to leave some user feedback on the bread (I’m a big believer in user feedback and reviews. I find them invaluable in choosing items online so I try to do my duty and help others out in return).
Imagine my surprise when, less than a week later, the phone rang and it was Winder Dairy calling. The polite girl on the phone said that she wanted to thank me for leaving my review of the 10 Grain Bread. She was sorry that I didn’t like it and would pass my comments on to the quality control people. She hoped I would continue to try new things and leave comments to they could improve their products.
HOW NICE WAS THAT? I will tell you: VERY nice. In this world where no company or representative of any company gives a hoot about what you think or even cares if they keep you as a customer, it’s amazing to find someone who not only cares about what you said about their product, but who takes the time to CALL YOU and THANK YOU in person for leaving your feedback, even when the feedback was negative! Now THAT is customer service.
If I weren’t already completely in love with Winder Dairy for the fact that they have always had superb customer service, this would have tipped the scales. As it is, every time I’ve ever called, I have talked with exceptionally polite, respectful, eager to please people who have immediately resolved my issues and made sure I’m happy. Plus, their food is delicious and reasonably priced. Even when some things are higher priced than the grocery store, I save tons of money every month by not having to run to the store every other day to buy “just a loaf of bread” (as I leave the store $50 later) or “just a gallon of milk” (as I leave $75 later). Yes, I’m a true fan. A loyal customer. There isn’t much incentive that can out-do really good customer service.
Plus, did I mention that they deliver right to your door?
But do they deliver?
How expensive are they?
I LOVED Windor Dairy.
it's nice to hear about good customer service for a change. i was begining to believe it no longer existed.
I just had an experience like that yeasterday! I emailed the local grocery store to tell them that I hate how all their donuts now come in individual clamshells. A guy from the corporate office called to talk to me about it. We were on the phone for half an hour! It made me so happy that they cared enough to call and get my opinion about what I think!
I miss Winder Dairy - especially their eggnog.
Not bad on most things. Like 1/2 gallon hormone free milk is $2.89 at Winder. Albertsons, = $4.29 for 1/2 gallon organic and $2.39 for regular milk (with hormones). Winder's hormone free eggs are $2.89, Eggland's best organics are $4.99 or regular for $2.99, but Albertson's brand is $1.99. so if you shop brand names, Winder is often cheaper, if you shop store brand, it's a little more expensive. Some things though are way more expensive. Like meats. But the basics are on par with name brands or cheaper than organics at the store. But either way I think you save by not running to the store all the time for just a few basics and ending up with a cart full.
Do they deliver to New England?
No, Shawn, Sorry.
I love good stories like this!
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