Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Man of the Year

This whole presidential thing is getting interesting. I don't know if I've been this interested in who becomes president the whole time I've been able to vote. I'm unaffiliated. Personally, I don't believe in 2-party politics. First of all, I don't think any one party can represent all of my opinions. Secondly, I think it's far more important to choose an honest, intelligent, down-to-earth person to hold an office than to choose a person just because of the party he is in. I voted for Clinton the first time I voted. I didn't vote for anyone the second time because I was digusted with the choices. I voted for Bush the next time and I voted for Ralph Nadar last time. And when it comes to local politics, I vote Democrat as often (or more) than I vote Republican. I'm pro-life, I'm neutral on the gay issue (as far as politics is concerned. I'm fine with monogomous couples having rights to health care no matter what their sexual preference. I'm not their bishop or God--those are the only people I think need to be concerned about their sex life), and I'm anti-gun. I think it's the federal government's job to set some rules and take care of some social programs, but it's also the government's job to get out of the way and let the people govern themselves on a local level as much as possible. So that explains why I can't choose one of the two main party options.

I think our government has gone horribly astray. I believe that the Constitution was an inspired document and that the government should be guided by it in all it does. I think many presidents and others have taken too many liberties with their position and made laws that they are not given any right to make by the Consitution. I beleive our taxes are more grievious than the ones the Nephites had in the Book of Mormon. I believe big fat-cat corporations run a lot more of the goverment than we'd like to believe. I'm almost to the point of believing in conspiracy theories and secret combinations. I could give you some intersting stuff to read on the subject. Let's just say I've taken the blue pill. But I also don't want to be some hysterial, suspcious, anarchist radical. I do believe government, righteous government, has its place. And that's why I think chosing a canditate with integrity, who honors his promises, who stays in touch with what the people want--not what he wants--is key. And so far, I believe the man for that job (and yes, it's a man) is Barack Obama. I've watched him on debates, interviews, even Oprah. And I really feel like he's sincere, honest, hardworking, very in touch with the people, and overall the best candidate there is. It might surprise some that I am not leaning towards Romney. Yeah, he's Mormon and maybe that makes him more honest than some of the others. But he is the opposite of in touch with the people. He's so plastic, so rehearsed. He's all politician. And he's a republican in a time when I want OUT of the war. So unless Hillary gets the democratic vote, you won't see me considering Romney. And you sure as heck won't see me supporting McCain. That's all we need--a military guy in office during a war-gone-wrong. There's no way he'll withdraw troops until they're all dead. So it looks like Obama's the man for me.
You might find this interesting, though...

Well, I guess we'll know in a few months how this will all play out. You may just see me changing my tune depending on who gets the democratic nomination. Check in after the November elections for the final vote!


Christie said...

Its interesting to read your political views - I think you and I have a very similar political stance. And I also support Obama! Thanks for sharing.

Jiles Pfamily said...

obama is the man!

alex dumas said...

And how do you feel now?